Below you will find more information about the plenary speakers. Please click here if you are curious about UNLimited‘s other speakers.
Queen Máxima

H.M. Queen Máxima is honorary chair of the MIND Us Foundation. MIND Us wants young people to to take control over their mental health, develop resilience and know how to find help when needed. The foundation focuses on young people between the ages of 12 and 27.
Robbert Dijkgraaf
Minister of ECS

Robbert Dijkgraaf has been Minister of Education, Culture and Science since 2022. His portfolio includes higher and professional education, science policy and emancipation. Dijkgraaf was director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA, until 2021 and professor at the University of Amsterdam. Until 2012 he was president of the KNAW. Dijkgraaf worked in the field of string theory, quantum gravity and the border area of mathematics and particle physics.
Peter Wennink

Peter Wennink has been chairman and CEO of ASML since July 1, 2013. He has an extensive background in Business and Finance and prior to his employment with ASML, he worked as a partner at Deloitte Accountants, specializing in technology industry. Peter Wennink is a Board Member of Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region, FME and Chair of the Supervisory Board of Technical University Eindhoven (TU/e). He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund.
Marc Klein Wolt
director of the Radboud Radio Lab

Marc Klein Wolt is director and co-founder of the Radboud Radio Lab of Radboud University in Nijmegen. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Astrophysics and focuses on the development of instruments for space- and groundbased astronomy. Klein Wolt is project director of the Africa Millimetre Telescope in Namibia, which will be realized to become part of the global Event Horizon Telescope network.
Elke van Boxmeer
Program host UNLimited 2023

Elke van Boxmeer is program host, journalist and presenter and has worked for the NOS, Financieel Dagblad and BNR Nieuwsradio, among others. She also creates and presents various podcasts.
Ellen van der Werff
University of Groningen

Dr. Ellen van der Werff is an associate professor of environmental psychology at the University of Groningen and her research mainly focuses on the social aspects of sustainability.
She is part of the “Environmental Psychology” research group and within it she is mainly concerned with environmental psychology and the social-psychological processes that influence (un)sustainable behaviour. Van der Werff looks at the factors that influence how people interact with their environment and investigates how certain strategies can stimulate sustainable behaviour.
Peter-Paul Verbeek
University of Amsterdam

Peter-Paul Verbeek is Rector Magnificus of the University of Amsterdam, where he is also Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Science and Technology in a Changing World. Untill October 2022 he was professor of Philosophy of Man and Technology and scientific co-director of the DesignLab of the University of Twente. He is also chair of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) and chair of the ECP working group on Ethics and Digitalization.
Kaylee Hakkel
COO of Mantispectra

Dr. Kaylee Hakkel is the COO of MantiSpectra, a spin-off of Eindhoven University of Technology. During her PhD in Applied Physics at TU/e, she worked on the design, fabrication and characterization of the spectral sensors that are now commercialized by MantiSpectra. In addition to her research, she became the founding chair of the Photonics Society Eindhoven in 2019. This organization provides activities for master’s and PhD students active in the optics and photonics field.
Annetje Ottow

Annetje Ottow is ruim 2,5 jaar voorzitter van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is hoogleraar economisch publiekrecht gespecialiseerd in toezicht in de telecomsector, en was eerder vicevoorzitter van het CvB van de Universiteit Utrecht. Komend jaar is zij tevens voorzitter van Leiden-Delft-Erasmus.
Otto Raspe

Otto Raspe has more than twenty years of experience in research into sectoral, regional and urban developments, the impact of spatial investments and economic benchmarks in a broad prosperity perspective. His work focuses on trends and developments in the knowledge economy, innovation, entrepreneurship and urban and regional economics (including labor and housing markets).
Ilknur Dönmez

Ilknur is sinds 2022 MT lid Ondernemerschap bij het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Met het Startup- en Scaleup beleid maakt ze zich sterk voor de kansen van nieuwe technologie en de maatschappelijke impact daarvan. Ze bouwt hierbij op haar kennis en ervaring vanuit gemeentelijk en regionaal niveau en zoekt de samenwerking met verschillende overheidslagen, het bedrijfsleven, de kennisinstellingen en het maatschappelijk middenveld.
Henk van Houten

Henk is Bestuursvoorzitter van de Netherlands Academy of Engineering. Als voormalig CTO en Head of Global Research bij Philips stond hij aan de basis van de transitie van Philips naar een gespecialiseerd healthtech bedrijf. Henk is innovatie adviseur bij Quantum Delta en als lid van de adviesraad betrokken bij zowel AI Ned als het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland.
Margrethe Jonkman

Margrethe is per 1 november 2023 benoemd tot Voorzitter van het College van Bestuur van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Naast deze nieuwe functie is Margrethe momenteel onder meer voorzitter van het Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Agri&Food, lid van de Raad van Toezicht Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen en voorzitter commissie Faciliteiten Toegepast Onderzoek. Als voormalig voorzitter van de Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation was ze nauw betrokken bij eerdere edities van de Academic Startup Competition.
Annelien Bredenoord

Annelien Bredenoord is rector magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam. She studied theology and political science at Leiden University and obtained her PhD in medical ethics from Maastricht University in 2010 and works at the intersection of healthcare, technology and innovation, ethics and politics. In 2014, Bredenoord was installed as a member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In 2017 she was appointed professor of Ethics of Biomedical Innovation at the UMC Utrecht. She has also been a member of the Senate for D66 since 2015 and has been group leader since 2019.
Tim van der Hagen

Tim van der Hagen is chairman of the Executive Board and also rector magnificus of TU Delft. He studied Applied Physics at TU Eindhoven, after which he became Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at TU Delft. In addition to being a board member of the Federation of 4 Technical Universities (4TU), he is also a member of the Technology and Innovation committee of VNO-NCW and of the Supervisory Board of the Gasunie. He was chairman of the Innovation Task Group of the Climate Agreement, which delivered the IKIA (Integral knowledge and innovation agenda for climate and energy) in early 2019.
Louise Elffers

Louise Elffers is a professor by special appointment of Equality of Opportunity in Education at the Educational Sciences program group at the UvA. She is also a lecturer in Promising School Careers in a Diverse City at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and director of the Inequality Knowledge Center, a partnership between the Municipality of Amsterdam, the UvA, VU, HvA and Inholland. In her work she focuses on the organization of education (systems) and the influence of that organization on the school careers of young people with different educational and home backgrounds.
Andy Lurling

Andy is the founding partner of LUMO Labs with a focus on investments in early-stage emerging and deep tech startups focused on sustainable cities and communities, healthcare and education. Andy is closely involved in the development of AI ventures through the TTT-AI program that arise from an academic environment.
Arjan Goudsblom

Arjan Goudsblom organiseert als Connector Deep Tech bij Techleap de Academic Startup Competition, een nationaal platform waar de beste academische ondernemers worden uitgedaagd om het beste in zichzelf naar boven te halen. Daarnaast is hij verantwoordelijk voor de spinoff analyse: een historisch overzicht van alle research based startups in Nederland en hun progressie. Arjan is tevens co-founder van Preneurz.Amsterdam, dat universiteiten ondersteunt bij het verbinden van academische kennis aan ondernemerschap.
Ilknur Dönmez

Ilknur is sinds 2022 MT lid Ondernemerschap bij het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Met het Startup- en Scaleup beleid maakt ze zich sterk voor de kansen van nieuwe technologie en de maatschappelijke impact daarvan. Ze bouwt hierbij op haar kennis en ervaring vanuit gemeentelijk en regionaal niveau en zoekt de samenwerking met verschillende overheidslagen, het bedrijfsleven, de kennisinstellingen en het maatschappelijk middenveld.
Henk van Houten

Henk is Bestuursvoorzitter van de Netherlands Academy of Engineering. Als voormalig CTO en Head of Global Research bij Philips stond hij aan de basis van de transitie van Philips naar een gespecialiseerd healthtech bedrijf. Henk is innovatie adviseur bij Quantum Delta en als lid van de adviesraad betrokken bij zowel AI Ned als het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland.